Supported Employment in Eugene/Springfield

        Mckenzie Personnel Systems is dedicated to employing adults with developmental disabilities. Mckenzie Personnel Systems was founded as a non-profit organization in 1984, becoming the first free-standing supported employment program in Oregon.

Mckenzie Personnel Systems offers:

Person Centered PlanningVocational Assesment
Technical AssistanceJob development
Autism SupportJob Coaching

Persons with develomental disabilities have been under-utilized in the workforce. Adults with disabilities want the same things from employment as anyone else.

As employees, they have proven to:

  • be competent and efficient
  • stabilize entry level jobs
  • acclimate well with their non-disabled co-workers
  • and receive positive feedback from customers and co-workers
  • MPS has had a [developmentally disabled] worker here for over three years. We've watched her gain new skills and become more self confident...She's really become a part of our team. It's definitely been a worthwhile experience for us. I don't know why more folks aren't doing it.

    --Lawrence Hamblem

    Executive director

    Legal Aid Service of Lane County

    Mckenzie personnel systems serves employers by performing a job site analysis, which ensures that the individual's skills meet the demands of the job. MPS then develops a training program specifically tailored to the individual and the specific job. Furthermore, MPS assists the employer in developing supervision strategies for the new employee, and supports co-workers in developing a strong relationship with the new employee.

    Employing Persons with disabilities makes CENTS!

    C= Community building: Makes a positive impression on customers-- builds morale in the workplace.
    E=Efficiency: Shift routine tasks from high-paid staff to a Routine Task Specialist (RTS)
    N=No-Cost training and support provided by our experienced staff.
    T=Tax credit up to $2,400
    S=Savings through entry-level wages and honest, long term employees

    What is a Routine Task Specialist (RTS)?
    Employing an RTS is the answer to the common problem of high-paid staff spending valuable time doing routine tasks (i.e. filing, copying, sorting, and cleaning). MPS will help you complete these tasks efficiently and economically with a Routine Task Specialist.

    Supported employment provides us with reliable employees, trained by Mckenzie's excellent staff, using our standards. The employees gain new skills and we get the benefits! They have proven themselves valuable members of our team.

    --Pat Lopez

    Operations manager

    Organically grown Co-op


    phone- 541.344.0549
